Archived Announcements 2011 to June 2011

08/10/2011 11:34


June 27th 2011

Immortal War The Tears of Lilith is now available at I have to say it was very hard to bid her goodbye and release her into the world. The story of Lilith is by far my favorite part of the Origins tale, giving insight into the woman who created the Samarra Six vampires and the torment of the life she faces as the only pure source of vampirism. Lovely and deadly, Lilith's life is a complicated one filled with the different paths she must take to protect her children; the vampire race.


June 15th 2011

Today someone asked me why I write so widely varied books....Well, I really did not have to give that question very much thought before answering. i am a varied being. I do not like a single type of music, a single type of food, or only a single type of art. I like it all. When I sit down to write, I never know what I will be writing or what's going to happen. It just depends on the day. I write because it gives me pleasure for a multitude of reasons. Not only does it give me the satisfaction of being able to express myself, I occassionally get to experience the joy of meeting or speaking with someone who truly enjoyed what they had read. So, yes, I dabble in many genres. Why be limited? I enjoy writing horror, suspense, mysteries, adventure, and sometimes I even blend a little romance into the mix. I don't write because I can; I write because I have the will to tell a story. Quite personally, I wouldn't have it any other way. Never let anyone limit you, and you might just be surprised what happens.....

Tomorrow marks a monumentous birthday! I am excited about the prospects ahead of me. I have several submissions in for the Wolves of Dullahan. (Did I mention that I have all of my books discounted at Working on the final stages of Immortal War The Tears of Lilith, which is very exciting. I hate to say I'm almost a little melancholy over letting her loose on the world. She is my baby, and being that she is the first vampire, the world may not be ready for a baby like that! All kidding aside, I am very excited about the pending release. Lilith is my favorite of the characters in the Origins series. She is compelling to say the least, and her story begged to be told. Just as with all of my books, I put a lot of research into Lilith (known as Lilitu in the Sumerian Pantheon) which I enjoyed greatly. The Cradle of Civilization is a fascinating subject to me; who better to tell the tale of the creation of the vampire race than the woman who was responsible for it all. Hope to see you at the website for my books soon. All of them are first run releases. Don't miss out on the opportunity to get a first run copy before the second editions are released. Once the first run releases are pulled, they will not be available again.


On another note, now that I am released from the contract I had with my first publisher for Origins Blood in the Sand, the revised version is available at It is free of the errors that happened on the first printing and it includes 75 pages of missing material.

Have a blessed day! As always, thank you for stopping by and please take advantage of the discounts at LULU. They won't last forever!

May 20th 2011

Reign of Blood will be available on Monday, May 23rd as a hardback edition for the first time on Lulu. Don't miss you copy...


May 5th 2011

The Wolves of Dullahan is now available from the publisher at for a limited time only. The above link will take you directly to my personal bookstore, where you will find the Wolves of Dullahan in both soft cover and hardback. Please take a moment to browse after you order your copy! Submissions by those who have read the book on the guestbook page will be entered into a contest for a signed, hardback edition from the author!

APRIL 4TH 2011


For those of you who enjoyed the story about my father and I,  and the story he invented for me as a child it is soon to be a full length featured novel as a collaberation between my dad and I. Reserve your copies today. There is enormous interest in this book. Soon to be available.


the Mirror....available at my lulu bookstore!


March 19th 2011 update


Well, it looks like my letter to get out of my contract on my first book is awaiting me in the mail. A certified letter came today, but the office is closed so I will have to wait to retrieve it from the post office on Monday. What a happy moment. Though I could not have been happier when Origins Blood in the Sand was published, I had a publisher who did not support me. I am currently doing a revision of the book and hope to have it up for sale on LULU and OFF THE BOOKSHELF by the first week of APRIL! YAHOO!!!!





I am working on a new novel entitled the Wolves of Rocklick Hollow which is loosely based on a bedtime story my father used to tell me when I was a liitle girl. The short essence of the story is posted on my about me page. I have only been working on the Wolves of Rocklick for about a week and already have over 100 pages completed. It will be very different from any other book published about werewolves. After I posted the story, I received several emails about whether or not I would be turning my father's story into a novel, so though the story lay dormant for many years, it has been revived. I can honestly say I have enjoyed working on this book far more than the others because I am getting to do it with my dad. Keep checking in for updates. I will post the availibility of Origins Book 1 as soon as she is ready. As always, may your day be blessed and thanks for your support.


Your suggestions wanted!

I am in the process of working on a new vampyr novel called I am Vampyr about a vampie who hunts his own kind and kills them in the hopes of becoming the sole survivng vampire of the Dorian Strain, one of the thirteen covens of vampires born from the Prince of Darkness. I am looking for a very unusual vampire name for the Prince of Darkness. The lead character in the book is named Florian Reinhardt. I like the name Lazzurus for the first name of the Prince of Darkness but am  undecided. Please list your suggestions on the GUESTBOOK page. Here is a sample of the names of the other vampires in the book.

Florian Reinhardt

Xavier Entienne Dorian





February 20th 2011 update




After much anticipation and deliberation, I sent two copies of Kashmir to Oval Road in London as a token of my gratitude to Robert Plant and Jimmy Page for their song being the inspiration behind the novel Kashmir. The final version is being


proofed for the paperback. Origins the Blood key is also available and the ebook is available

  and the paperbacks and hardbacks are available at

. Currently, LULU is running a special where an additional 20% can be taken off the sale price by entering the code HAPPY305 at checkout.



February 3rd 2011 Update

The final installment of the Origins Vampire Trilogy is complete as of today. It was a sad moment as I typed the last chapter and knew my time with my vampires was coming to an end, but it was also a joyous moment knowing I completed the trilogy. I am hoping to have the Blood Key up for sale by Sunday on both and Please check the websites for the status of the print. Lulu will have hardbacks available as well as paperbacks and downloadable files. Off the Bookshelf will have a pdf friendly version for all e-readers plus the paperbacks...Thank you for your support and continued following.